PAFF-044 "Arkerheem" by PA3FYG/P
Steam Pumping Station 'Hertog Reijnout' |
Inside this polder in the center of The Netherlands the feet were kept dry by this
Steam Pumping Station used from 1883 to 1983.
Engine driven with coal.
Can still be used in case of emergency when new electric pump is out of order, hi hi.
Some volunteers start it up now and then for general public.
To much rain --> My first activation in a car !!!
Today December 28th I activated PAFF-044 "Arkerheem" with is near my home-QTH.
There was a lot of rain so I did my first activation in a car, normally always walk a bit first.
I Used my SOTA equipment as usual including power from LiPo.
Tested my new 9,70 m antenna pole, slided in only 67 cm long and weight of 1,3 kg only.. I can tie this pole to my backpack, leaving my hands free. ( see pictures )
I was QRV for one hour on 20 m, later one hour on 40m. Also worked a few on 15m, but antenna is not suitable or this band.
Best DX : PHoNO in PAFF-058 "Strabant", on 20 m, also heard him on 15 m and 40 m. Distance 90 km, so very hard on all bands, just audible. !!!! ( sri no 80 m antenna ). This is only my 2nd PAFF as chaser, I activated different 25 PAFF now !!.
Aso nice to work friend Peter PJ4NX ( ex PA3CNCX ), and W1, N1, K1, OD5,4Z, 9K2.
Arkerheem is very important for birds, it is a international wetland.
DX-wire pole |
Only 67 cm/1,3 kg |
Next week I am in in DL activating some SOTA summits, some are in DLFF.
73 de Hans