Saturday, September 5, 2015

Summer activities at PAFF

This summer we have so far seen over 30 activities from various activators, both new and familiar calls.

An impression of what it looked like through the eyes of the activators:

Harm PC5Z was active from PAFF-083
The next day Harm (left) visited Harry PA1H at PAFF-082
Harry PA1H at PAFF-082
Harry PA1H could be heard from more locations like here at PAFF-043
Or here at PAFF-008
At PAFF-004 Harry was visited by Andreas DH1AC
Danny ON4VT visited PAFF-080 for his first FF activity outside ON
Danny brought his friend Mario OR7Z
Bill ON5JE was the next Belgian operator to visit PA - here activating PAFF-008
Bill ON5JE at PAFF-007

Martin DF3MC was active from Kootwijk PAFF-035
..and from Terlet PAFF-042

PD0DKF and PD3MR were active as PD44FF from PAFF-079
Stephan from ON4CHD from PAFF-015
Jan PD3JAG was active from PAFF-015 as well
Jan PD3JAG and company

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

First PAFF CCO award for I5FLN

Today we have awarded the first CCO "Chief Chasing OM" certificate - for working 75+ PAFF references - to Luciano I5FLN. 

To people active in the WWFF community it will come as no surprise that Luciano managed to get the first one. He has worked all PAFF references that have been activated so far.

Apart from chasing each and every WWFF activity there is, Luciano is also an active staff member of WWFF making sure that the reference list that forms an important basis for the WWFF and national programs remains up to date.

Congratulations Luciano - an award well deserved!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

PAFF in the news

In the January Issue of the DKARS Magazine - one of the two major HAM magazines in The Netherlands - there is an article about PAFF / WWFF. 

The complete magazine can be downloaded here: January Issue DKARS Magazine 

The PAFF article is on page 56. Note that the article is in Dutch.