Sunday, November 24, 2013

ON activity from PAFF-015 (2)

As mentioned before we had a team of ON operators visiting PAFF-015.

Below you can find a few pictures of their activity. The crew had two stations in the air, using three different call signs PA/ON8VP/P,  PA/ON6QO/P and  PA/ON5TQ/P.

Activity was on 10, 17, 20, 30 and 40m CW logging a total of 287 contacts.
Peter ON8VP
Michel ON6QO
Cécile ON5TC and Ronald ON5TQ
Nice portable antenna for multi band operation

Sunday, November 3, 2013

ON team activity from PAFF-015

Peter ON8VP lets us know that a group of Belgian OMs will be activating PAFF-015 - Oosterschelde on Sunday Nov 10 from 8:00am CET.

The team will be using the following call-signs:
  • PA/ON5TC/P, Cécile
  • PA/ON5TQ/P, Ronald
  • PA/ON6QO/P, Michel
  • PA/ON8VP/P, Peter

They will be on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15m using CW.

Good luck hunting.