Sunday, November 4, 2012

PAFF-057 “Nieuwkoopse Plassen” Nov. 5 by PA3FYG

On Monday November the 5th I will try to activate  PAFF-057 “Nieuwkoopse Plassen”. ( New One ).

All is depending on the weather, there is a lot of rain expected.

Extra handicap is that this reference is nearly all water and the banking of the roads are not valid. So if there is not dry spot, I have to rent a boat or wait until it is frozen…….

As usual  I try to use +/-7.144 KHz and !4.244 KHZ ssb.

I expect to be QRV after 1300 UTC, and I have to go QRT before 15.30 UTC. Temperature, wind and rain can shorten my activity.

I always activate PAFF by foot, and in this case I have to do this also, it looks like there is no road or parking inside the reference.

73 de Hans PA3FYG/P

1 comment:

Cees (PA1CA) said...

Hoi Hans,
Heb je uiteindelijk deze lokatie kunnen activeren?
Ik heb 25 jaar gewoond in dit gebied en vroeg me af waar je precies gestaan hebt? Misschien dat ik het ook een keer ga proberen te activeren.

73 de Cees