Friday, November 23, 2012

Reactivation of PAFF-067 by PH0NO

Three band activity with a busy 40m

With some time on my hands at the end of the day I went over to Planken Wambuis - PAFF-067 once again. This area had been activated twice before in the last month (by PA3FYG and myself) but I saw 10m was open, so enough opportunity for OMs outside EU to work this one.

Operating in the dark at PAFF-067
The first OM to pass by - PY2RAR - immediately set the max. QRB for this activity. He was followed by a number of US stations (east & south coast) and to my surprise by PJ4 and XE. I have not worked these DXCCs during PAFF activities before. 10m was not very busy and seemed to slowly close so after 45 minutes I decided to try 20m.

For WWFF activities 20m is normally the most crowded band. This time it was very different. I only worked 25 OMs. It never was busy - maybe because a lot of chasers already worked PAFF-067 before or maybe because conditions weren't too good. 

So after half an hour I set up my inverted V for 40m (my new /P antenna) to find a very busy 40m band. It was hard to find a quiet spot. Once I was spotted a substantial pile-up grew. Signals were strong with most EU stations at real 59 / 59+10. 

In total I logged 129 contacts from 31 DXCCs in 2 hours radio time. DX came in from PY, XE, PJ4, W1/4/8/9, R9 and 4X. About 33% were new callsigns to me. Max IK1GPG made the trip on all three bands.

See you on the next one.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Activation of PAFF-066 by PA3FYG/P

On Monday November 12 I made a trip to the “Leuvenemse bossen”.
The trees had nice autumn colours and temp about 6 degrees. I made a 6 km walk and was QRV from 11.50 to 14.00 UTC.  I made about 120 QSOs mainly on 14 MHz. Worked VE3 an W1. On 28 MHz were only weak signals, no contacts. At the end I tried 7 MHZ, but it was very hard to find a free spot, so I only made a few contacts. that I got very cold sitting on the ground, so QRT. In the forest I could not find a open spot, so my antenna was in the middle of the trees.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Activation of PAFF-051

Three band activation with a lot of activity on 20m

As planned I was able to head over to PAFF-051 to activate this new PAFF reference. I was in the park from 10:00 to 12:00 UTC and approximately 90 minutes on the air.

The weather was good, so there were quite a few visitors that were interested in the fishing rod I set up.  

20m was the most active band by far. I logged 138 calls in one hour. Normally 40m is well visited but not today - only 5 calls logged with rather mediocre signal levels. Might have been due to the time of day (noon) and the QRM level (S7 at my end).
I was also on 10m for a short while logging 10 calls but the band was only marginally open. 

In total I logged 153 contacts from 32 DXCCs. Maximum QRB was set by an OM from JL1 to 9200km.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Activation of PAFF-057 by PA3FYG/P

Nieuwkoopse Plassen

Activation of Nieuwkoopse Plassen PAFF-057.

Yesterday I made a trip to PAFF-057 ( NEW )  and had  a successful activation.

I found a more ore less dry spot, after a bit of walking and filling my shoes with water…

I had a lot of rain during the 75 min drive  trip to the spot, but was very lucky during the activation, even a bit of sun and 7 degrees.

I made 175 QSOS on 20m and 75 QSOS on 40m SSB in 125 minutes.

 As usual with  backpack, FT897D ( 50W ), 12m endfed vertical ( PA3EKE ) and Lipo 5000mAH.
One battery lasted 90 minutes pile up.

73 de Hans PA3FYG/P

With help of the forester

Enterance and my car.

Time to go QRT
Driving in rain

GPS route

QRV green arrow

PD7BZ and PH0NO active from PAFF-061

300 calls logged in two operations today

Quite coincidentally both PD7BZ and myself were active today from the new PAFF-061:
Boswachterij Sleenerzand. So plenty of opportunities for you as a chaser to add this reference to your list.

I started at around 10am local time. I found a very nice spot with a marvellous view. As the sun was out I decided to operate outside using the batteries I always carry. I worked on 17m and 20m until rain came in.

Entrance of Sleenerzand PH0NO/P in the sun PH0NO/P in in the rain
Then I went into the car and worked 40m and 20m again. In total I was on the air for 2,5 hours logging 209 calls from 32 DXCCs. Maximum QRB was set by a PY1 OM to 9500km.

PD7BZ weather-proof set-up
About half an hour after I left Bernard PD7BZ started his operation in another part of the park. Bernard used both his FT-817 and his FT-857 to log another 95 stations from 27 DXCCs on 20m. He used his FD3 Windom up about 3 meters.

PD7BZ's Windom at 3 meter high

Monday, November 5, 2012

Second activation of PAFF-067 by PH0NO

Revisiting Planken Wambuis

Today on my way home I was able to activate Planken Wambuis PAFF-067. It was already activated two weeks ago by Hans PA3FYG but activity level was not very high at the time.

PAFF-067 Planken Wambuis

The forest was brilliant with the autumn coloured leaves all over place. It was rather wet and muddy (antenna pole and wires need a good rinse). The weather was good.
On the radio it was not too busy due to weak conditions. I worked on 15m, 20m and 40m. 15m was already closing by the time I started. I could just copy a K0 from Kansas who set the maximum QRB for this activity to 7350km.

All in all I logged 107 calls from 25 DXCCs in 2 hours time (effective radio time about 90 minutes). A couple of OMs made it on two bands, only Luciano I5FLN came by on all three bands.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

PAFF-057 “Nieuwkoopse Plassen” Nov. 5 by PA3FYG

On Monday November the 5th I will try to activate  PAFF-057 “Nieuwkoopse Plassen”. ( New One ).

All is depending on the weather, there is a lot of rain expected.

Extra handicap is that this reference is nearly all water and the banking of the roads are not valid. So if there is not dry spot, I have to rent a boat or wait until it is frozen…….

As usual  I try to use +/-7.144 KHz and !4.244 KHZ ssb.

I expect to be QRV after 1300 UTC, and I have to go QRT before 15.30 UTC. Temperature, wind and rain can shorten my activity.

I always activate PAFF by foot, and in this case I have to do this also, it looks like there is no road or parking inside the reference.

73 de Hans PA3FYG/P