Harm PC5Z was active from the north of The Netherlands this summer - as far across the country as one can get from his QTH in the south west. He activated five nature parks during his one week holiday, quite rightly dubbed “PAFF Holiday Tour
PC5Z/P from PAFF-039 - Fochteloerveen |
Harm activated PAFF-065, PAFF-061, PAFF-041, PAFF-039 & PAFF-028 using a portable dipole for 20m and an end fed wire for 40m.
PC5Z/P fron PAFF-065 - Zuidlaardermeergebied |
Although band conditions were so-so he did manage to log a large number (900) of hunters that week. Expect to hear more from him /P - although probably from ON which is just around the corner from where he lives.