Friday, November 23, 2012

Reactivation of PAFF-067 by PH0NO

Three band activity with a busy 40m

With some time on my hands at the end of the day I went over to Planken Wambuis - PAFF-067 once again. This area had been activated twice before in the last month (by PA3FYG and myself) but I saw 10m was open, so enough opportunity for OMs outside EU to work this one.

Operating in the dark at PAFF-067
The first OM to pass by - PY2RAR - immediately set the max. QRB for this activity. He was followed by a number of US stations (east & south coast) and to my surprise by PJ4 and XE. I have not worked these DXCCs during PAFF activities before. 10m was not very busy and seemed to slowly close so after 45 minutes I decided to try 20m.

For WWFF activities 20m is normally the most crowded band. This time it was very different. I only worked 25 OMs. It never was busy - maybe because a lot of chasers already worked PAFF-067 before or maybe because conditions weren't too good. 

So after half an hour I set up my inverted V for 40m (my new /P antenna) to find a very busy 40m band. It was hard to find a quiet spot. Once I was spotted a substantial pile-up grew. Signals were strong with most EU stations at real 59 / 59+10. 

In total I logged 129 contacts from 31 DXCCs in 2 hours radio time. DX came in from PY, XE, PJ4, W1/4/8/9, R9 and 4X. About 33% were new callsigns to me. Max IK1GPG made the trip on all three bands.

See you on the next one.

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