Sunday, May 18, 2014

DL1EBR active from Terschelling

Axel DL1EBR, who usually ends up in my log when I am activating PAFF areas, could be heard working from a PAFF area himself on May 5th.

Axel activated PAFF-071 Boschplaat on the island of Terschelling (EU-038).

The area is a protected nature park that cannot be accessed by car. Axel therefore took a bicycle with a small trailer to get his gear into the park.

Effective transportation @PAFF-071

In two separate activations (May 5 and 7) Axel logged over 130 different chasers. His second attempt was cut short due to roadworks on the bicycle lane through the park - meaning he had to leave before his return path was closed off.

Set-up of DL1EBR on Boschplaat

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

First WWFF activity from PA3Q

Wil PA3Q had his first WWFF / PAFF experience from PAFF-040 - Duinen Vogelenzang. He shot a short video about his experiences and set-up that you can find on YouTube.

Wil PA3Q at the entrance of PAFF-040

With 20w on 40m it took some time before he was spotted. By the time the pile-up grew he ran out of power. In the end he logged 35 contacts. He plans to return to PAFF-040 to increase this number in the future.

PA3Q with a G5RV lite on an 8m mast